Stress is the body’s response to a challenge or demand. Stress affects us all. You may notice symptoms of stress when disciplining your kids, during busy times at work, when managing your finances, or when coping with a challenging relationship. Stress is everywhere. Our bodies are designed to handle small doses of stress. But, we are not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without ill consequences.
What Are the Symptoms of Stress?
However, too much stress can affect mental and physical health, particularly if it becomes chronic (ongoing) or overwhelming. Stress can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. If you are experiencing any symptoms of stress, it’s best to see your doctor as it can contribute to health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Physical symptoms
- Chest pain and rapid heartbeat.
- Headaches, aches, pains, and tense muscles.
- Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
Emotional symptoms
- Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody.
- Feeling overwhelmed, like you are losing control.
- Having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind.
- Avoiding others.
Cognitive symptoms
- Constant worrying.
- Inability to focus.
- Poor judgment.
- Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side.
Behavioral symptoms
- Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes.
- Changes in appetite — either not eating or eating too much.
- Procrastinating and avoiding responsibilities.