intervene herbal supplement

Intervene Herbal is a nutritional Anti-Cancer supplement which may kill bacteria and cleanse the body and blood of toxins. Intervene, may regulate and rejuvenate you while helping the body to reach an optimum pH balance and boost the immune system.It consists of pure organic essential oils that has proven itself to be a powerful potential Antiseptic Bacterial, Viral and Fungal killer that supports the body, may detoxify the blood without undesirable side effects.

Originally the Intervene Herbal team set out to establish a product that might assist against CANCER, the observations were extra ordinary.

Intervene has up to date achieved phenomenal feedback, not only towards the potential struggle against Cancer & Tumours, but has also managed to assist the body as a natural Immune Booster that may assist against:

Aids support, Arthritis, Cancer (All types), Candida, Chlamydia, Diabetes, Eczema, Emphysema, Glaucoma, Herpes, Immune Booster, Parkinson’s, Prostate, Sores, Skin Acne, STD’s (All types), Stomach Ulcers, Tuberculosis, Tumours, Psoriasis, Scarring, Allergies, Back pain, Bladder infection, Blood infection, Blurred Eye Vision, Infections (general), Inflammation, Gout, Joint pain, Kidney infection, Neuralgic pain, Relieving swelling, Yeast infection, Septic Ulcers, Skin Blemishes, Skin infections, Skin rashes, Spider Bites, Urinary Infection.

It is important to note that Intervene Herbal is not a toxic chemical based medication but a well refined herbal supplement, constructed from the highest quality blend of botanical oil extracts produced with advanced Quantum Angstrom Technology (QAT).

Why You Need to Detox Your Body On a Regular Basis?

Twenty-seven scientists from various countries look at ten years of data and their conclusion was that EMFs cause cancerbrain tumors & disrupt the immune system.

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It is imperative to combat chemicals to achieve optimum health, from minor illnesses, infections and allergies, to major diseases such as CancersHIV and other Life threatening chronic disorders.